Mango & Coconut Rice Popsicles

I'm from Virginia. I'm very familiar with humidity and mosquitoes. That being said, today was 99 degrees and felt like 110. Eff. That. Ess. Here's a recipe for mango & coconut rice popsicles to help you cool down from this satan's armpit of a summer. Made it in the flavor of my people, because a. mango & coconut rice is my jam and b. as someone whose motherland is a tropical climate - I definitely can not stand the heat. 

Side note, the killer thing about these popsicles it that they're more rice than liquid, and therefore don't melt as quickly. Score! Double side note: I'm teaching a styling and food photography workshop in ONE week at the Lemon Bowl! Few spots left! I'm incredibly excited about this one. Hope you can join! 

Tickets to Aug 20 Styling & Food Photo Workshop

Mango & Coconut Rice Popsicles

- 1-2 mangoes, cubed
- 1 can of coconut milk
- 3/4 cup of jasmine rice
- 3/4 cup of water
- 1/3 cup of sugar
- 1 cup of milk (I used whole, but feel free to use almond or coconut)
- fresh coconut, shredded (optional)
- black and white sesame seeds for topping (also optional)

- Make rice: Mix water, sugar, shredded coconut, and half the coconut milk into a medium saucepan. Simmer until sugar is dissolved. Add the rice and turn the heat to low. 
- Cook until liquid is absorbed and rice is soft, about twenty minutes. Remove from heat, add remainder of coconut milk and the cup of whatever other milk you're using. You're looking for the consistency of oatmeal, or y'know, cooked rice with more milk in it. 
- Stir in mango and season to taste with sugar. (the 1/3 c. was fine for me, but I'm not one for very sweet desserts. In fact, I may add some salt next time around.)
- Set aside to cool. Once cool, pour into popsicle molds and put in freezer to set for a few hours. 
- Sprinkle with sesame seeds and enjoy! 

more photos  | original recipe via Sun Diego Eats